Saturday, January 3rd, 2009


Lizard Ridge Scarf

Materials: 1 skein Noro, Silk Garden Sock yarn (pulled from both ends) or 2 skeins of same in different colorways, size 4 needles

Wrap and Turn (w&t) –

On a right side row (RS), knit to point specified in pattern, bring yarn to front of work between needles, slip next st to right hand needle, bring yarn around this st and to back of work, slip st back to left hand needle, turn work to begin purling back in the other direction.

On a wrong side row (WS) purl to point specified in pattern, bring yarn to back of work between needles, slip next st to right hand needle, bring yarn around this st to front of work, slip st back to the left hand needle, turn work to begin knitting back in the other direction.

Cast on 47 sts and knit 2 rows with color A

Row 1: K2 color A, tie on color B and knit across

Row 2: K2, purl 43, with color A k2

Row 3: K2 with A, with B k 45

Row 4: K2, p12, (w&t, k8, w&t, p7, w&t, k6, w&t, p5, w&t, k4, w&t, p20)

until there are only 5 sts left,

w&t, k8, w&t, pt, w&t, k6, w&t, p5. w&t, k4, w&t, p9,

with A, k2

Row 5: K2 with A, with B k across

Row 6: K2, p43, k2, all with B (do not pick up A

Row 7: K2 with B, pick up A and knit 45

Row 8: K2, p 43, pick up B and k2

Row 9: K2 with B, pick up A and k 45

Row 10: K2, p5, w&t, k5, w&t, p4, w&t, k4, w&t, p19,

(w&t, k8, w&t, p7, w&t, k6, w&t, p5, w&t, k4, w&t, p20)

until there are 12 sts left on left needle,

w&t, k8, w&t, p7, w&t, k6, w&t, p5, w&t, k4, w&t, p16, w&t, k5, w&t, p5, w&t, k4, w&t,

p4, with B k2

Row 11: K2 with B, pick up A and k45

Row 12: k2, p43, k2, do not change colors

repeat these 12 rows to desired length.

this pattern is adapted from the original Lizard Ridge Afghan.

please let me know if there are any corrections that need to be made.

it is 3:00 am on saturday and i am unable to sleep so i will blog instead!

got a call from esther that the package of hand-knits arrived.  both of elleigh’s hats fit.  i am partial to the pale green helmet shaped one (out of rowan cashsoft dk) with the porcelein button but esther likes the multi-colored one (child’s play by lorna’s laces) with the i-cord bow on top the best. the little dress (dream in color smooshie in petal shower) fits right now – a bit of a surprise since i thought it was more of a 6 month size.  elleigh will just need a pink onesie and tights to go under it.

reuben hasn’t tried his sweater on yet but esther is hoping he will wear it to church on sunday.  she likes it!  i was afraid it was a little too “preppy” for her tastes.  i must say, i do love working with the dream in color yarns.  this v-neck pullover was knit with classy in midnight blue.  i hope to have pictures of the projects actually on the kids soon.

i really must try again to sleep.  i plan on making a trip to the bay area tomorrow to meet my sister for lunch and deliver her christmas presents.  while there we are going to do a little shopping at toys r us.  i want a few things for the kids to play with while they are here – big legos, a puzzle or 2, maybe a ride-on vehicle of some kind, a few cars.  speaking of cars, i absolutely love the tonka rubber ones!  they go fast (very important in our family) and seem to be indestructible.  and they don’t scratch or dent the furniture.

since the black scarf is still blocking – not totally dry yet – i have no new pictures.  i also have a dilemma – what to concentrate on next?  in the meantime i am working on my mooi shawlette.  it is incredible to knit with! oops – here is the black scarf – woodland shawl pattern modified.  i like the way is looks but hate knitting with black yarn!  this is karabella boise, 3 skeins.dsc02452

today was a bit crazy.  i ran around doing errands this morning – ordered shades for the 2 bedrooms (we have no window coverings anywhere in the house) so the kids will feel more comfortable when they arrive on the 14th, found a baby gate at the second-hand store to keep the babies away from the stairs,  checked out a really good sale and bought a vegetable dish to go with my white dishes, and then went to work.

the shop was hopping when i walked in this afternoon and it stayed like that until closing.  i have to admit it is rather fun.  there were a lot of extended family groups with dads and grandpas and kids and non-knitters, all just hanging out and interacting.  there were a few big sales but for the most part people were buying for small projects.  a number of them were up for the weekend from wherever they live usually and just wanted a quick project while they were here.  it helped that it was a rainy day – that seems to bring out the knitter in us.

speaking of rain, i had to chuckle on the drive into town.  it was pouring and the wipers were working overtime when i heard the weather report on the radio – “a slight possibility of precipitation today in the foothills.”  right!

just because the time stamp on here is off and i don’t know how to fix it, it is now 8:45 pm on january 2, 2009