january 12, 2009, 10:00 pm

just got home from the shop and bible study.  weird, because i drove up to a very dark house with the truck parked in front.  the driver’s door on said truck was wide open.  eerie.  but no one was home.  i do expect terry home soon, though.  he was in the bay area for a meeting tonight.

dsc024761my only real accomplishment for the day was finishing the first strip of the 2009 bom afghan.  here is january with a hint of february.  i’m using dream in color classy and loving every minute of it, especially the subtle color changes.  eventually this will go to elleigh, when she graduates to a “big girl” bed.  the colors are purples, pinks, greens, and a hint of fuchsia.  yummy!  this month’s bom class is full for the thursday session but there are lots of spaces open on saturday.  it seems funny to me that the weekend doesn’t fill up first.  when i first started the bom classes i had to have 2 sessions on saturday to fit in all the people interested.  things do change!